28 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Urban Spoon

I'll be honest. I'm a little obsessed with Urban Spoon. My reasons are manifold:

1) Easy access to take-out menus. We are take-out junkies.
2) When you're traveling and tired, it is way easier and more fun to frequent the ramblings of the bitter and anonymous than it is to peruse the crappy hotel suggestions.
3) You can target your searches by price, location, cuisine, and food needs (vegetarian etc.)
3) A place to air my vanities. I'm a shitty restaurant reviewer, but I enjoy commending jobs well-done. Especially under-represented jobs well-done. Moreover, Urban Spoon is a fun place to flex your writerly intentions (however misguided they might be) with little to no commitment. I'm all about that shit-- hence the blog.

Anyways, if you also like to spoon, find me. I'm always lookin' for spooning buddies.

13 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Kongregate Game's High Tea

Ok, so I haven't beat this game yet. However, that doesn't mean I'm not madly addicted to it. Like... Destruct-o-Match addicted. Moreover, Kongregate games, like Neopets, has the "finish a game and earn [pointless] stuff" mechanism that keeps overachieving procrastinators-- like me-- truly hooked. But, "High Tea", the game in question, is particularly brilliant. It's a fast-paced game that is equal parts mindless and strategic. Perfect, right? Right. Moreover, it is just off-color enough to be a) a little problematic and b) hilarious. Opium trade for the win! Or not. Anyways, I urge you to go check it out. And, in the meantime, recommended to me some more good Kongregate games. Especially ones of a similar flavor... harharhar.

09 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Things in Cast Iron Pans

The other night, before we ran out of gas and access to the oven, I made a pot pie. For whatever reason, it transfixed me. I could not. stop. staring. I think it was the cast-iron pan (my great-grandmother's). Cast-iron pans are second only to woks in how happy they make me. Something about the shape, heft, and color. And I like seasoning them. Also, I could wallop stuff with them. Apparently, it was me... in the kitchen... with a cast-iron pan.
Anyways, pictures.

Princess Peach gets it.

02 February 2011

Zig iggs it: Water-themed things

I'm submitting to ESD magazine's theme-- liquid. Here goes, I spose. Two photos and then some pen and ink work.

"Wet Monkey" by Zoe Eddy
Animals-- often cute and fluffy when dry, hilariously skulky when wet.
"Goldfish Game" by Zoe Eddy
Children, attempting to catch goldfish, play in the water. Yukata were ruined.
Shigaraki Fire Festival, Shigaraki, Japan

"Kanpai" by Zoe Eddy
A toad takes a drink during a rainstorm.
Pen and Ink
"Shotgun Wedding" by Zoe Eddy
Your mother warned you about spending too much time in the briny depths.
Pen and Ink
"SURPRISE!" by Zoe Eddy
I am terrified/in-love-with all things shark.
Pen and Ink

"The Steampunk Princess and the Samurai Go on a Deep-Sea Safari" by Zoe Eddy
And find a rhino.
Pen and ink.