28 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Urban Spoon

I'll be honest. I'm a little obsessed with Urban Spoon. My reasons are manifold:

1) Easy access to take-out menus. We are take-out junkies.
2) When you're traveling and tired, it is way easier and more fun to frequent the ramblings of the bitter and anonymous than it is to peruse the crappy hotel suggestions.
3) You can target your searches by price, location, cuisine, and food needs (vegetarian etc.)
3) A place to air my vanities. I'm a shitty restaurant reviewer, but I enjoy commending jobs well-done. Especially under-represented jobs well-done. Moreover, Urban Spoon is a fun place to flex your writerly intentions (however misguided they might be) with little to no commitment. I'm all about that shit-- hence the blog.

Anyways, if you also like to spoon, find me. I'm always lookin' for spooning buddies.

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