30 November 2010

Stuff Zig Iggs: Weird Animal Varieties

Everyone loves animals. Let me rephrase that. Everyone loves non-human animals (NHAs henceforth). Let me rephrase that again. If you don't love NHAs, then you're probably not worth knowing. Why? Convoluted Axiom: Not liking a good things makes you not worth knowing. Definition of a NHA: A good thing. So there.

Anyways, everyone (worth knowing) loves NHAs. The caveat? Sometimes we're too generic with our love. Let me give you an example. "I love foxes!" Of course you do. Foxes are, by definition, good things. And you are a person worth knowing.

As an avid NHA lover, I decided to refine my palette. I took my top 6 favorite animals-- sharks, foxes, rabbits, horses, goldfish, and cats-- and decided to select my favorite variety of each. This provided me with a wonderland of bizarre species. As an advocate of all things furry, finned, hooved, horned, whiskered, and weird... I was delighted in a predictably overwhelmed sort of way. And, so, I give you-- my favorite weird animals.

Sharks: The Goblin Shark
It was difficult. To be honest, my loyalties lie with THE GREAT WHITE SHARK!!! because, you know, it concurrently terrifies and enthralls me. My panties knot for Jaws, y'all. But just look at this thing. It's one part nightmare and one part inbred-carny-with-a-heart-of-gold. And I love me some carnies. Seriously, if this thing could play a stringed instrument, it would be all over "Dueling Banjos"-- you know?

(Image credit dsc.discovery.com)

Foxes: The Cape Fox
I thought this was going to be easy. I thought Fennec foxes were the cutest weird fox varieties. Not so, friends. Not so. Apparantly, there is an even more disgustingly adorable vulpine out there.

(Image credit bukisa.com)

Rabbits: The Flemish Giant
Ok, I didn't extend this to all of Lagomorpha, because then I think my brain would fritz out on lapinians. However, I give you the Flemish Giant. Who wouldn't ride this guy into battle?

(Image credit neatorama.com)

Horses: The Rocky Mountain Horse
I used to think all I ever wanted was a unicorn. Or maybe a pegasus. No. I want one of these. It looks like Hellhorse or something. It's like the drow of the horse world. Also, in the following image, look how dorky the rider looks in comparison. When riding such a clearly badass horse, avoid the denim-on-denim. (Cwig also dubbed this horse, quite brilliantly, the Ganguro Girl Horse. Good on him.)

(Image credit bluebonnetstables.com)

Goldfish: The Oranda
Oh, so many weird animals, so little space in my fish tank. This was legitimately hard, because I love bizarre goldfish, and I am quite versed in their variations (say that ten times fast). But, I settle on the oranda. Why? My beloved Nurse Annie is a panda oranda. And, even though she killed Apple Dumplin'-- my darling pearlscale-- I love her fluffy, mean little head so much. (And, Nurse Annie combines my three favorite things: Annie Wilkes of , Bubblehead Nurses, and ugly fish.) Also, ribbontail ryukin are the stuff of some far-off beautiful dreamland where fish float through the skies... sigh. Want.

(Image credit exoticgoldfish.net)

Why? Because it's called the Skookum. Fun fact-- the Skookum is also some sort of mystical Sasquatch beast. Because of course it is. (Now the dilemma-- become a Skookum breeder or a Skookum hunter? Or just a Skookum enthusiast? A Skookthusiast, if you will.)

(Image credit pictures-of-cats.org)

Weird Animal Varieties. Zig iggs them.

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