01 December 2010

Stuff Zig Iggs: Pu-erh Tea

I am a dedicated coffee addict. And by dedicated, I mean unrepenting. And by coffee I mean anything but the abysmal sludge that is Tim Horton's. (In all seriousness, I have become somewhat more discerning in my quest for all things bitter, dark, and caffeinated.) And by addict? Well, no fancy explanations for that. If I don't have my morning/afternoon/evening Joe, I get "the Blues" of the Annie Wilkes variety. Until I discovered Pu-erh tea. I know tea connoisseurs can probably give me an armchair history of Pu-erh (so can Wikipedia, wot wot), but, frankly, I am uninterested. (I can't even pronounce "Pu-erh.") I am only interested in the malty, fermented, roasted deliciousness that is Pu-erh tea. Seriously, beverage cravers-- check it out. The only problem? Pu-erh tea boxes are inevitably a) needlessly wordy and b) pretentious. (So, really, we should get along.) However, Numi tea's pedantic product descriptors did prompt Cwig to read it, aloud, in his best Michele Norris voice... and I love me some Michele.

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