20 March 2011

Zigg Iggs It: The Sweet n' Healthy Blogger Recipe Contest-- Kid-Friendly Food

So last night I was perusing the internet, and I came across this recipe contest. It challenges bloggers to create and blog about recipes using, wait for it, sweet potatoes. I love sweet potatoes. I am obsessed with them. For the love of all things tuberous, I did my advanced independent study on sweet potatoes. Accordingly, I present, for your consideration and taste buddery, my first submission: a reply to the call for kid-friendly sweet potato recipes.

How do you get your kids to eat sweet potatoes? Mash it up for a first-timer or make it fun for toddlers, just get them their vitamin A!

The Result:
(Tama is Japanese for "ball" or "gem.")

An Exchange Student Smorgasbord: The "tater-tamas" are pictured between the makizushi and rice crackers. I first made these while studying abroad in Japan-- my dorm mates and I wanted a vegetarian homecooked meal using local ingredients.

Some kids may turn their noses up at sweet potatoes. For reasons unbeknownst to lovers of things both nutritious and sweet, many children find sweet potatoes (perhaps because they are suspiciously orange) “gross.” In this same vein, almost all kids will respond to edible seaweeds with a unanimous, “Yuck!” This is too bad, as edible seaweeds, like sweet potatoes, are densely loaded with nutrients. Accordingly, this recipe kills two birds with one stone-- mashed sweet potatoes are rolled in nori flakes and sesame seeds. The resulting product, colorful little balls that you can pop into your mouth, are hard for any kid to resist. Just make sure it doesn’t end in a food fight-- the ball shape is awfully tempting.

The Recipe:

- 3 Large Sweet Potatoes, steamed or baked and cooled
- 2 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
- 1/2 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
- 1 Tablespoon Fresh Ginger Root, grated (powdered ginger can be substituted, but only use 1 teaspoon)
- 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
- About 1 Cup Nori Flakes, for rolling
- ½ Cup Toasted Sesame Seeds, for rolling

1. In a mixing bowl, mash together the steamed sweet potatoes, soy sauce, sesame oil, fresh ginger, and lemon juice. Kids should love this-- a great excuse to get hands mushy while feeling all sorts of fun textures. The mashed sweet potatoes should be workable and not too wet, so make sure you add the liquid ingredients slowly. Once combined, stick the mashed potato mixture in the fridge until it has chilled (at least 10 minutes).

2. With your hands, shape the sweet potato mash into small balls, a little smaller than a golf ball. Kids can help with this part too-- it could be a fun project to roll the interesting shapes. If you find the sweet potato mix to stick to your hands, lightly grease your fingertips with sesame oil.

3. Onto two separate plates, pour the nori flakes and sesame seeds. Roll the sweet potato balls in the nori, sesame, or both. Have fun and mix it up! You can try other toppings too-- cinnamon, nutmeg, parmesan cheese, coconut flakes, or your favorite herb blend… the possibilities are endless!

4. Arrange the tater-tamas and serve cold-- kids of all ages will love the sweet-salty flavor, and the shape and texture are easy and fun for even the pickiest of eaters. A simple and healthy snack or side dish any time of the day!

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