21 January 2011

Zig Iggs It: Yo Gabba Gabba

If you don't like "Yo Gabba Gabba," you're probably a jerk.

Also-- in order to get kids to eat an item, make the food in question cute and personable? Genius. Logically, it seems like it would fail. After all, who wants to eat their friends? I'll tell you. Kids. Kids want to eat their friends.

I've got to be honest, though. This video would not work on kids of a specific temperament. I give you exhibit A: my sister. When she was a kid, this would have freaked her out. A lot. She was a really sensitive eater when she was a kid. Once, we went out to China Rose (when it was only in Freeport), and someone ordered the Peking Duck for the table. When the very identifiably duck-like duck came to the table, Sammy slowly recoiled. With the judgmental distaste of which only a five-year-old is capable, she looked at my mother, and asked, "Is that duck?" My mother, who sensed the now inevitable tempest, nodded slowly. "Like my friends?" Sammy continued. Silence. I sipped my virgin (but still umbrella'd) pina colada (at eight-years-old, you enjoy this sort of drama). Like any good social scientist parent, my mother quickly started to put together an explanation involving cultural relativity, world cuisine, exploring different foods-- too late. Sammy's tiny fists balled in righteous indignation. She opened her mouth and wailed, "Ducks are my friends!" She then looked at her kin-turned-duck-eating-Judases and, tears streaming down her cheeks, shook her head. Mustering the betrayed injury of Julius Caesar, she looked at us and uttered, "How could you?" I guess it's true: The end is just a little harder when brought about by friends. (She feels much the same about lobster.)

Also, don't bite your friends. I would have benefited from this.

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