20 March 2011

Zigg Iggs It: The Sweet n' Healthy Blogger Recipe Contest-- Kid-Friendly Food

So last night I was perusing the internet, and I came across this recipe contest. It challenges bloggers to create and blog about recipes using, wait for it, sweet potatoes. I love sweet potatoes. I am obsessed with them. For the love of all things tuberous, I did my advanced independent study on sweet potatoes. Accordingly, I present, for your consideration and taste buddery, my first submission: a reply to the call for kid-friendly sweet potato recipes.

How do you get your kids to eat sweet potatoes? Mash it up for a first-timer or make it fun for toddlers, just get them their vitamin A!

The Result:
(Tama is Japanese for "ball" or "gem.")

An Exchange Student Smorgasbord: The "tater-tamas" are pictured between the makizushi and rice crackers. I first made these while studying abroad in Japan-- my dorm mates and I wanted a vegetarian homecooked meal using local ingredients.

Some kids may turn their noses up at sweet potatoes. For reasons unbeknownst to lovers of things both nutritious and sweet, many children find sweet potatoes (perhaps because they are suspiciously orange) “gross.” In this same vein, almost all kids will respond to edible seaweeds with a unanimous, “Yuck!” This is too bad, as edible seaweeds, like sweet potatoes, are densely loaded with nutrients. Accordingly, this recipe kills two birds with one stone-- mashed sweet potatoes are rolled in nori flakes and sesame seeds. The resulting product, colorful little balls that you can pop into your mouth, are hard for any kid to resist. Just make sure it doesn’t end in a food fight-- the ball shape is awfully tempting.

The Recipe:

- 3 Large Sweet Potatoes, steamed or baked and cooled
- 2 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
- 1/2 Tablespoon Sesame Oil
- 1 Tablespoon Fresh Ginger Root, grated (powdered ginger can be substituted, but only use 1 teaspoon)
- 1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
- About 1 Cup Nori Flakes, for rolling
- ½ Cup Toasted Sesame Seeds, for rolling

1. In a mixing bowl, mash together the steamed sweet potatoes, soy sauce, sesame oil, fresh ginger, and lemon juice. Kids should love this-- a great excuse to get hands mushy while feeling all sorts of fun textures. The mashed sweet potatoes should be workable and not too wet, so make sure you add the liquid ingredients slowly. Once combined, stick the mashed potato mixture in the fridge until it has chilled (at least 10 minutes).

2. With your hands, shape the sweet potato mash into small balls, a little smaller than a golf ball. Kids can help with this part too-- it could be a fun project to roll the interesting shapes. If you find the sweet potato mix to stick to your hands, lightly grease your fingertips with sesame oil.

3. Onto two separate plates, pour the nori flakes and sesame seeds. Roll the sweet potato balls in the nori, sesame, or both. Have fun and mix it up! You can try other toppings too-- cinnamon, nutmeg, parmesan cheese, coconut flakes, or your favorite herb blend… the possibilities are endless!

4. Arrange the tater-tamas and serve cold-- kids of all ages will love the sweet-salty flavor, and the shape and texture are easy and fun for even the pickiest of eaters. A simple and healthy snack or side dish any time of the day!

Zig Iggs It: The Sweet n' Healthy Blogger Recipe Contest-- Vegetarian Food

So last night I was perusing the internet, and I came across this recipe contest. It challenges bloggers to create and blog about recipes using, wait for it, sweet potatoes. I love sweet potatoes. I am obsessed with them. For the love of all things tuberous, I did my advanced independent study on sweet potatoes. Accordingly, I present, for your consideration and taste buddery, my first submission: a reply to the call for vegetarian sweet potato recipes.

Whether you're participating in Meatless Mondays or a vegetarian for life, create a dish that let's sweet potatoes take center stage.

The Result:
Sweet Potato Curry Pot Pie

Growing up in blustery Maine, I was no stranger to a winter chill that lasted well past April. However, growing up in Maine, I was also blessed with nearby farms that offered local fresh produce and meat. These products happily surrendered themselves to winter-time comfort foods. However, in the “comfort food” collection, I often feel as though vegetarians are left out. We omnivores talk about beef stews, clam chowders, roast chicken and gravy, shepherd’s pie, Bolognese over pasta-- meaty foods, to be sure.
However, vegetarians need not feel abandoned by the warming comfort food cliques. Vegetables, especially those in season during the colder months, work beautifully in a myriad of comfort food recipes. With that in mind, I created this Sweet Potato Curry Potpie. Chunks of fresh sweet potato are stewed in an aromatic Thai red curry. This rich curry is then baked under a golden and tender crust until bubbling. This riff on a potpie is what happens when the comfort of a New England classic meets zinging Southeast Asian spice.

The Recipe

For the Wholewheat Pot Pie Topping:
- 1.5 Cups Whole Wheat Flour (for a lighter consistency, you can use white flour-- also, if you are gluten free, use your preferred gluten-free baking flour)
- 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
- 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider or Another Acidic Juice
- 3 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
- .5 Cups Buttermilk (you can use almond or rice milk as a substitute if you prefer a vegan alternative)

1. In a mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.
2. In a pastry blender or with a fork, mix in the apple cider and vegetable oil. The mix will be slightly lumpy. Slowly mix the buttermilk into the dough. It will be a slightly wet, almost batter-like dough. Set aside and make the filling for the pie.

For the filling:
Yields 4-6 servings
- 2 Cups Coconut Milk
- 2 Tablespoons Red Curry Paste (store-bought or homemade)
- 3 Cups Sweet Potato, cut into bite-size chunks
- 1 Cups Green Peas, shelled
- .5 Cups Thai Basil, shredded
- A Large Handful or 2 of Cashews
- Black Pepper and Salt to Taste

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

1. In a large saucepan, heat the coconut milk. Before the milk has boiled, stir in the red curry paste. Mix gently, but thoroughly. The sauce should take on an orangey-pink color.
2. Add the 3 cups of sweet potato to the coconut milk. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cook until the sweet potatoes are al dente, but not mushy (about 10-15 minutes). Turn off the heat.
3. Stir in the green peas, thai basil, and cashews. Season with black pepper and salt. Mix well. Allow mixture to cool and thicken. If it needs to thicken more, turn on the heat, and very lightly stir in some sifted flour or cornstarch. The consistency should be a rich and hearty pot pie filling.
4. Lightly oil the bottom and sides of a deep oven-safe pan (I use a deep cast-iron skillet for pot pies). Spoon the sweet potato curry in the pan. (You might have leftovers-- stick it in the fridge! it only gets better with more time, and is great over steamed rice.)
5. Pour the potpie topping batter over the pie filling. Cover completely.
6. Cook the pie until the crust is golden-brown and the contents are bubbly. This is about 10-12 minutes at 450 degrees F.

- More curry paste can be added for extra spiciness.
- Try tossing in raisins, almonds, peanuts, or pistachios for different textures and flavors.
- Some people opt to peel their sweet potatoes. I never do this-- the skin of a sweet potato is dense with nutrients. If you do leave the skin on, however, your cooking time may be slightly longer.
- As I noted in the recipe, some simple substitutions can be added to make this gluten free or vegan.

03 March 2011

Zig Iggs It: Bad Puns about Yokai

I'm bored. So what am I going to do with myself? Make bad puns about yokai. Huzzah.

What do you get when you cross a yokai with a weapon of mass destruction?

What do you call a faceless cow?

What do you call the yokai fiscal situation?
The Akaname.

What do you call a woman who is constantly saying the wrong thing?

What do giant fish say after pulling a prank?

What sort of hat does a turtle wear?

What do you call yokai ectoplasm?

What did the demon say to his fiancée?
"You're the oni one for me."

Can a hannya achieve enlightenment?
Naga chance!

What did the unicorn say after reading these jokes?
"You're kirin me!"

28 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Urban Spoon

I'll be honest. I'm a little obsessed with Urban Spoon. My reasons are manifold:

1) Easy access to take-out menus. We are take-out junkies.
2) When you're traveling and tired, it is way easier and more fun to frequent the ramblings of the bitter and anonymous than it is to peruse the crappy hotel suggestions.
3) You can target your searches by price, location, cuisine, and food needs (vegetarian etc.)
3) A place to air my vanities. I'm a shitty restaurant reviewer, but I enjoy commending jobs well-done. Especially under-represented jobs well-done. Moreover, Urban Spoon is a fun place to flex your writerly intentions (however misguided they might be) with little to no commitment. I'm all about that shit-- hence the blog.

Anyways, if you also like to spoon, find me. I'm always lookin' for spooning buddies.

13 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Kongregate Game's High Tea

Ok, so I haven't beat this game yet. However, that doesn't mean I'm not madly addicted to it. Like... Destruct-o-Match addicted. Moreover, Kongregate games, like Neopets, has the "finish a game and earn [pointless] stuff" mechanism that keeps overachieving procrastinators-- like me-- truly hooked. But, "High Tea", the game in question, is particularly brilliant. It's a fast-paced game that is equal parts mindless and strategic. Perfect, right? Right. Moreover, it is just off-color enough to be a) a little problematic and b) hilarious. Opium trade for the win! Or not. Anyways, I urge you to go check it out. And, in the meantime, recommended to me some more good Kongregate games. Especially ones of a similar flavor... harharhar.

09 February 2011

Zig Iggs It: Things in Cast Iron Pans

The other night, before we ran out of gas and access to the oven, I made a pot pie. For whatever reason, it transfixed me. I could not. stop. staring. I think it was the cast-iron pan (my great-grandmother's). Cast-iron pans are second only to woks in how happy they make me. Something about the shape, heft, and color. And I like seasoning them. Also, I could wallop stuff with them. Apparently, it was me... in the kitchen... with a cast-iron pan.
Anyways, pictures.

Princess Peach gets it.

02 February 2011

Zig iggs it: Water-themed things

I'm submitting to ESD magazine's theme-- liquid. Here goes, I spose. Two photos and then some pen and ink work.

"Wet Monkey" by Zoe Eddy
Animals-- often cute and fluffy when dry, hilariously skulky when wet.
"Goldfish Game" by Zoe Eddy
Children, attempting to catch goldfish, play in the water. Yukata were ruined.
Shigaraki Fire Festival, Shigaraki, Japan

"Kanpai" by Zoe Eddy
A toad takes a drink during a rainstorm.
Pen and Ink
"Shotgun Wedding" by Zoe Eddy
Your mother warned you about spending too much time in the briny depths.
Pen and Ink
"SURPRISE!" by Zoe Eddy
I am terrified/in-love-with all things shark.
Pen and Ink

"The Steampunk Princess and the Samurai Go on a Deep-Sea Safari" by Zoe Eddy
And find a rhino.
Pen and ink.

21 January 2011

Zig Iggs It: Yo Gabba Gabba

If you don't like "Yo Gabba Gabba," you're probably a jerk.

Also-- in order to get kids to eat an item, make the food in question cute and personable? Genius. Logically, it seems like it would fail. After all, who wants to eat their friends? I'll tell you. Kids. Kids want to eat their friends.

I've got to be honest, though. This video would not work on kids of a specific temperament. I give you exhibit A: my sister. When she was a kid, this would have freaked her out. A lot. She was a really sensitive eater when she was a kid. Once, we went out to China Rose (when it was only in Freeport), and someone ordered the Peking Duck for the table. When the very identifiably duck-like duck came to the table, Sammy slowly recoiled. With the judgmental distaste of which only a five-year-old is capable, she looked at my mother, and asked, "Is that duck?" My mother, who sensed the now inevitable tempest, nodded slowly. "Like my friends?" Sammy continued. Silence. I sipped my virgin (but still umbrella'd) pina colada (at eight-years-old, you enjoy this sort of drama). Like any good social scientist parent, my mother quickly started to put together an explanation involving cultural relativity, world cuisine, exploring different foods-- too late. Sammy's tiny fists balled in righteous indignation. She opened her mouth and wailed, "Ducks are my friends!" She then looked at her kin-turned-duck-eating-Judases and, tears streaming down her cheeks, shook her head. Mustering the betrayed injury of Julius Caesar, she looked at us and uttered, "How could you?" I guess it's true: The end is just a little harder when brought about by friends. (She feels much the same about lobster.)

Also, don't bite your friends. I would have benefited from this.

06 January 2011

Stuff Zig Iggs: Finn

You know, given my obsession with Finn, I'm really surprised I haven't posted a blog about him. I am full-blown obsessed with this animal. He is impossibly weird. For example, he attacks people while they're peeing. He trash-dives for, specifically, buffalo-sauce covered chicken bones. (And really anything else.) He can't blink effectively, so he perpetually gives you the "wiggy-eye." He hates pretty much everyone and everything except for me, Cwig, and Lola. (Lola is, by the way, a total bad ass, and will eventually get her own post.) He manically smashes his face into cardboard boxes. He drools a lot. He can't retract his opposable thumb/extra claw, so he clicks across the floor.

Yeah, he's weird. I like to think he takes after his mother.

Anyways, enjoy. I don't have a lot of visual documentation of Finn because he's kind of a camera-phobe. However, these are pretty gold.

01 January 2011

Stuff Zig Iggs: Making Lists of Animals She Will One Day Own

Every once in awhile, as we sit around the Kingsland-Eddy table, mindlessly picking cat hair off of our clothing, we get into the discussion of "what animal do you someday want to have?" The conversation starts mundanely enough. Lifetime cat-people, my sister and I generally start with dogs. She wants a corgi. I want-- well, I'll get to that. However, my end of the conversation quickly devolves into many, many, many animals. A veritable menagerie. And, by God, I will own these critters!

So, for 2011, 11 animal varieties I will someday have!

1) A Scottish Deerhound
I used to be an Irish Wolfhound kind of girl, but, for whatever reason, these guys jut appeal to me more. Maybe it's the fact that they're the royal dog of Scotland. Maybe it's the perfected combination of a wolfhound and a greyhound. Maybe I'm just hesitant that a wolfhound would eat me. (Speaking of which, does anyone know if these guys eat cats?)

2) A Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig
These piggies are so cute. Look at that fat, smushy face. Also, I'm pretty sure I could ride them into battle. Effectively. Come on, an armored Pot Belly Pig? How magical would that be?

3) A Horse
Because, at heart, I am still a six-year-old girl.

4) A Sphynx Cat
I have already extolled the virtues of hairless animals,
so, Constant Reader(s?), you know my feelings on them. However my love for hairless animals began with the Sphynx. I'm a big tactile person, and they just look so touchable. Also, cats hide a lot under all that fur. And by a lot, I mean their insecurities. This guy? He ain't got nothin' to hide.

5) A Goat
I think goats resonate with me on some deep, intrapersonal level. We're similar creatures. Misunderstood. Strangely cute. Clever. Loud. Obnoxious. A little smelly. Also, the are the living incarnation of Jim Henson creatures.

6) Chickens
All 'dem. All 'dem, now.

7) A Sugar Glider
Oh, come one. Who wouldn't want a sugar glider?

8) A Kyole
These guys toe the line between adorable and noble with expert ease. I can never decide if I want to patronize them with animalese, or paint overwrought landscapes featuring them.

9) A Peacock
When I was at Cardiff Castle in Wales, I noticed that they had peacocks. I didn't realize this was a possibility. Now, I want peacocks too. (A side note, have any Mainers been to the Maine Wildlife Park? Have you seen the albino peacock? Have you seen how the other peacocks beat up on him? Peacock prejudice? He's just an albino jerk? Thoughts?)

10) A Belgian Hare
Personally, I think Belgian Hares fulfill my secret desire to own Cwig as a pet. Look how skinny, long-legged, and judgmental they are? Just like the lad. Also, they are the inspiration for LCdL. Octopus-punchers, they are.

Long story short? I'm going to be a candidate for a bizarre episode of Fatal Attractions.

An addendum: In my web-browsing travels, I found this terrifying image:

I know, right?